Dog Yeast Infection Home Remedy

Yeast in the body often gets a bad reputation. But it’s actually a normal and healthy part of the digestive and immune systems in both dogs and humans. In dogs, yeast naturally lives on the skin and in the gut, working with other healthy bacteria to keep the immune system balanced. However, if this balance gets disrupted, it can lead to issues like yeast infections.

Yeast infections are common in dogs and often affect their ears, paws, and skin. These infections can be uncomfortable for your dog, but there are home remedies that can help prevent them from coming back.

Continue reading, as this guide will cover the causes, symptoms, and home remedies for dog yeast infections to keep your pet healthy and happy.

What Causes Yeast Infections in Dogs?

Dogs naturally have bacteria and fungi on their skin, which are usually kept in check by the immune system. However, if the skin’s condition changes or the immune system weakens, these organisms can cause an infection, known as an opportunistic infection. A yeast skin infection happens when too many yeast organisms are present on the skin.

A common cause of yeast skin infection is when the skin produces too much oil. This is often linked to allergic skin diseases. Another reason for extra skin oils is a condition called Seborrhea Oleosa. Some little dogs have weak immune systems, making it hard for them to fight off yeast infections. This can also lead to various chronic problems.

If your dog is taking ‘immunosuppressive drugs’ like steroids for some reason, they may also struggle to recover from yeast infections. It even results in chronic yeast issues like ear discharge, hyperpigmentation, fetor, excessive head shaking, etc.

Yeast infections are not contagious, so your dog can’t catch them from another dog. However, these infections often return if the underlying allergy or skin issue isn’t treated.

Symptoms of Yeast Infection in Dogs

Symptoms of Yeast Infection in Dogs

Yeast infection in adult dogs can show in multiple ways. It is mostly found on the skin or ear. Common signs include red, irritated skin, constant itching and scratching, darkened skin, and flaky or scaly patches. If your dog is affected, it may get sores, have a musty smell, and experience a change in skin texture. Its skin may look like elephant skin.

Hair loss or bald patches can also occur. Symptoms of ear yeast infections might include head tilting, shaking, and hearing loss. The first signs are usually a smelly odor with redness and swelling in the infected area. These symptoms can rapidly worsen, so you have to be more careful and watchful. If you notice any of these signs in your dog, take immediate action.

Dog Yeast Infection: Home Remedies

Although a veterinarian should treat yeast infections to ensure there are no secondary infections or complications, there are some acknowledged home remedies to help prevent your dog from developing yeast infections, such as;

1. Stop Feeding Yeast

One of the best ways to help your dog heal from a yeast infection is to avoid giving them food that contains yeast, like rice, millet, potatoes, wheat, corn, oats, and peas. However, don’t change your dog’s regular dietary pattern immediately. If your dog eats kibble, you don’t need to stop it.

Instead, just avoid feeding them treats or other extras that have these ingredients. This approach can help manage yeast infections without causing sudden changes in their diet.

2. Try Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

You can use simple home remedies, such as apple cider vinegar (ACV), with common household items to temporarily relieve yeast infections in your pup. These methods can help manage the symptoms until you find a more permanent solution.

Its acidic properties can help prevent yeast from growing when applied to the affected area. This can give your dog some much-needed relief and stop the infection from worsening while you look for more comprehensive treatments.

3. Preventing Allergens

Environmental or food allergies often trigger yeast infections in dogs. To prevent these infections, you need to identify and avoid the allergens affecting your dog. You can start by tracking your dog’s symptoms and discussing them with your vet.

For chronic or severe allergies, your vet may recommend a blood or skin test to pinpoint the specific allergens. This will help you take the right steps to keep your dog yeast-free.

4. Regular Bathing

Bathing your dog regularly can help control a yeast infection. But you have to make sure to rinse out the shampoo completely. This helps keep your dog’s skin from losing its natural oils. Using an anti-fungal shampoo every 3-5 days for a few weeks can be very helpful.

After baths, you can apply 100% virgin coconut oil to relax your dog’s skin and take advantage of its antifungal properties. For a strong treatment, you can also use a diluted vinegar rinse. This can change the skin’s pH and make it harder for yeast to grow.

5. Dietary Aids

Adding some extra foods to your dog’s diet can help naturally fight a yeast infection. You can try several options, such as yogurt, probiotics, fermented vegetables, and coconut oil.

Probiotics are a go-to home remedy for treating yeast infections in dogs. They help balance the good and bad bacteria in your dog’s body, which can help control yeast. These aids can complement medical treatments and support overall health.

6. Herbal Remedies

Certain herbs have natural antifungal properties that can help manage dog yeast infections. Herbs like oregano, thyme, and rosemary can be used topically or added to your dog’s diet. Oregano oil, for example, can be diluted and applied to the affected areas to reduce yeast growth. Always consult your vet before introducing any new herbs to ensure they are safe for your dog and won’t interact with other treatments or conditions.

7. Cleaning the Ears

If your dog has a yeast infection in its ears, it’s important to clean them regularly. You should use a cotton ball or a soft cloth to clear their ears. But never use a Q-tip, as it can cause damage. Cleaning your dog’s ears twice a week can help reduce excessive yeast buildup.

Additionally, make sure the ears are completely dry after clearing. Moisture can encourage yeast growth, so gently pat the ears dry with a towel.

8. Baking Soda

Baking soda is another effective home remedy for dog yeast infections due to its alkaline properties. It helps neutralize the acidic environment, making it harder for yeast to grow and reducing the chance of infection.

Alternatively, you can add a small amount of baking soda to your dog’s bath water. It relieves the symptoms and prevents further yeast growth. Just make sure to rinse thoroughly and avoid excessive use, as it can dry out your dog’s skin.

Note: You should only try these home remedies under the guidance of your veterinarian.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are common home remedies for dog yeast infections?

Common home remedies include using apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, and plain yogurt to help reduce yeast growth and soothe the affected areas.

2. How can apple cider vinegar help with yeast infections in dogs?

Apple cider vinegar can help balance the pH of your dog’s skin and create an environment less favorable for yeast growth. It can be diluted with water and applied topically.

3. Can coconut oil be used to treat yeast infections in dogs?

Yes, coconut oil has antifungal properties and can be applied directly to the affected area to soothe irritation and help fight yeast.

4. Is yogurt effective for treating yeast infections in dogs?

Plain, unsweetened yogurt contains probiotics that can help restore healthy bacteria balance in your dog’s gut, which may help control yeast infections.

5. How often should home remedies be applied for dog yeast infections?

The frequency of application depends on the remedy and the severity of the infection. Generally, topical treatments like apple cider vinegar and coconut oil can be applied once or twice daily.

6. When should I see a vet for my dog’s yeast infection?

If the infection persists, worsens, or if your dog shows signs of discomfort, it’s important to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.


That’s it; yeast infections in dogs can be uncomfortable, but they can be managed effectively with the right approach. In dogs, it can show up with symptoms like itching, red skin, and bad smells. Understanding what causes these infections in dogs and where they often appear, such as in the ears, is important for treating and preventing them effectively.

While home remedies are useful, it’s always best to consult a veterinarian for a treatment plan. By addressing the root cause, you can help keep your dog healthy and comfortable.

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